The role of companies in our political process is rapidly changing. In some cases, corporate leaders are facing calls to participate more actively in public debates. In others, companies must defend their legal interests in politically charged environments.





  • 04.12.2021
    A Checklist for Companies Considering Whether to Speak on Political Issues
    Current events have sparked a significant change in private businesses' political behavior, as companies and their executives shift from nonpartisan observers to leaders taking on political and social causes. While companies may face pressure from some stakeholders to speak out on every issue of the day, that level of engagement may not be feasible or productive. In this update, we provide a road map for companies and their executives to follow when deciding whether and how to engage in political and social issues.
  • 01.21.2021
    Biden Executive Order Significantly Broadens Ethics Requirements for Appointees
    In one of his first official acts, President Biden signed an executive order that sets stringent ethics rules for incoming executive branch appointees. The Executive Order on Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel reinstates and further expands ethics standards from previous administrations.
  • 2020
    Political Participation in 2020: Top Legal Concerns for Your Company
    Lawyer Publications
    Change has come to Washington, D.C. and state legislatures around the country. The fast pace of political changes can create both challenges and opportunities when it comes to complying with the rules governing corporate participation in the political process. Review our list of key areas to focus on when reviewing company practices and ways to navigate the most common issues that can arise.
  • 04.02.2019
    Changes to Lobbying Disclosure Act Registration and Reporting Forms
    As of March 29, 2019, the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA) online reporting forms comply with the disclosure requirements of the Justice Against Corruption on K Street Act of 2018 (JACK Act).
  • 01.17.2019
    Reminder for Lobbying Disclosure Act Registrants
    The fourth quarter federal lobbying activity reports, covering the period from October 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018, are due on Tuesday, January 22, 2019.