


Join host Michael Glenn and guest host Dan Austin at the Capital Factory 2024 SXSW Startup Crawl. They travel the floor to meet inspiring entrepreneurs and government agency representatives who are bringing about the future of innovation.

Your guided tour begins here:

[1:55 ] VlogmiA social media platform focused on sharing genuine and authentic content to create a positive effect on digital well-being.

[7:08 ] EVE—A drone network that can be safely used in an urban environment, allowing first responders to deploy the correct resources to quickly address a problem.

[10:17 ] Free Water—An innovative advertising platform utilizing premium spring water packaging as an advertising medium while prioritizing philanthropy and sustainability.

[13:54 ] Hubspot—A customer platform combining the software, integrations, and resources to connect a business’s marketing, sales, content management, and customer service.

[18:10 ] NUTS—This data-centric security protects sensitive data itself, rather than just the perimeter of the system on which it is stored.

[31:54 ] Space Cowboy—A system to capture and remove small pieces of space debris, reducing operational risk to satellite assets, and stewarding the orbital environment.

[38:05 ] Sunfish—A user-friendly and person-portable autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) with field-proven artificial intelligence (AI) and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM).

[44:22 ] Mesodyne—A patented LightCell™ power generator converts any fuel into electricity via light, increasing the endurance of small systems to 10 times that of batteries.

“Most creators are brands in and of themselves.” - Luke Thorssen, CEO of Vlogmi

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