

General News

Marc Martin was quoted in multiple publications regarding the fact that California’s net neutrality law will not take effect in January, but will wait until the outcome of the lawsuit pending in Washington is decided in February in the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

“California was in a difficult position, and it was in its best interest to do this,” said Marc Martin.

10.26.2018 - AP News - “California Agrees to Delay Enforcing Net-Neutrality Law"

10.26.2018 - The Seattle Times - "California Agrees to Delay Enforcing Net-Neutrality Law"

10.27.2018 - News Trend Today - "California Delays Net Neutrality Law While Federal Lawsuit Plays Out"

10.27.2018 - Badminton HQ -  "California Postpones Net Neutrality Law Pending Outcome of Federal Court Challenge"