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James Zimmerman was quoted in “The American Lawyer: How Will Global Firms Handle the Rise of Shenzhen?” an article in Law.com*, regarding the plan to make Shenzhen into a leading global metropolis.

“The political tension in Hong Kong is of no consequence to those firms with offices or planned offices in Shenzhen or other parts of southern China,” said James. “Hong Kong is a very different market. Shenzhen must stand on its own to be attractive for foreign law firms.”

James, who has worked in China since the 1990s, believes Shenzhen can grow to be a viable market in its own right—both for global and domestic firms—and not just in the IP space.

“Shenzhen has moved up the value chain, including with respect to information technology, AI and disruptive technology, incubation, aerospace, life sciences, advanced manufacturing and so on,” he said. “It’s not only a logistics hub for south China, but it is also becoming a logistics and warehousing hub for Asia, with its port and airport expansion. The government is indeed keen to further develop a knowledge-based economy.”

*Subscription-based publication