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Ann Marie Painter was quoted in the Seattle Times article, "As #MeToo Evolves, Seattle - Area Women and Men Rethink Everything," regarding workplace sexual harassment and punishments.

Complimenting someone’s dress? Women are not going to complain about that. “There’s nothing sexual about it.”

“Of course,” Painter said, “if you say that with a lecherous look on your face, or you say it 10 times a day, that might be a problem.”

But so is going too far, she said, in the other direction — avoiding saying anything to women or no longer including them in lunches or private meetings — which can amount to gender discrimination.

Employers do have a range of options at their disposal, said Ann Marie. Short of firing, they can suspend offending staffers, dock their pay, require them to attend training or counseling, or move them to another job.

Click here to read full article.