

General News

Allan Low was mentioned in the Eater SF article, "‘I Think Japantown Is No More’: Japan Center Restaurants Grapple With an Uncertain Future," regarding the potential closures of restaurants in San Francisco’s Japantown district.

According to Diane Matsuda, a staff attorney with Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach (APILO), which—along with Allan—is representing about 40 Japan Center businesses in their landlord negotiations, the danger is that every restaurant and store in the three buildings that constitute the Japan Center could be forced to close.

According to Allan and Diane, both landlords have continued to charge their Japan Center tenants full rent and CAM fees throughout the pandemic—a stance that may come to a head when San Francisco’s eviction moratorium, the ordinance that forbids commercial landlords from evicting tenants due to nonpayment of rent, expires on November 30.