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Janis Kestenbaum was quoted in The Privacy Advisor article, "What Could a Biden Administration Mean for Privacy, Cybersecurity?" regarding how the shift in executive leadership will affect the privacy landscape.

"We can expect privacy to be an area of greater focus and attention during a Biden administration," Janis told the IAPP

Janis said the "transition to a Biden administration is also likely to smooth the way in negotiations with the European Commission over a new version of the Privacy Shield," though, she tempered expectations saying, "real challenges from the 'Schrems II' ruling exist regardless of who is in the White House." 

Janis, who served as senior legal advisor to FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez during the Obama administration, said, "There’s certainly no need to 're-energize' the FTC: the FTC during Chairman Simons’ tenure has been very active on privacy issues, as reflected in record settlements in the Facebook settlement and several COPPA cases, as well as the early launch of a COPPA rulemaking proceeding in 2019."