

General News

Brian Svoboda was quoted in an article on the Maryland Reporter.com, “In Moco Exec Race, Comcast Refuses Blair Request to Take Down Attack Ad,” regarding a political ad in Montgomery County.

Also on June 15, Blair’s lawyer, Brian Svoboda, wrote to Comcast Spotlight, the advertising sales division of the cable giant, calling the charges “false and entirely unsupported,” refuting the charges about drug pricing.

Brian’s letter goes on to say: “This Super PAC has no ‘right to command the use of broadcast facilities’ for this false and unsupported ad. Your station has full power to reject it for any reason. It would be fully responsible for the defamation and any other torts that might result from the dissemination of this attack on Mr. Blair’s reputation and fitness as a businessman. To air this advertisement, while knowing its claims are specious and unsupported, is inconsistent with your station’s duty ‘to protect the public from false, misleading or deceptive advertising.’”