Professional Biography
Image of David McNeill

David McNeill Technical Advisor

  • Boise

    D +1.208.906.8922

    F +1.208.343.3232


    1111 West Jefferson Street, Suite 500

    Boise, ID 83702-5391




David McNeill drafts patent applications for industries including semiconductors, 5G technology, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and—in one memorable departure—cooking stoves. In his work as a technical advisor for the Patent Prosecution & Portfolio Counseling practice, David partners with colleagues and their clients to understand their prosecution strategy, creating a comprehensive approach to guide action responses and continuation recommendations. Additionally, David has conducted inventor disclosure meetings and participated in examiner interviews and negotiations.

Before joining Perkins Coie, David designed tester software in the semiconductor industry. As part of this work, David developed machine learning (ML) software for distributed systems. These systems encompassed virtual machines on the cloud as well as networks of testers spread across a global manufacturing supply chain. Additionally, David wrote user experience/user interface (UX/UI) code and hardware-specific embedded code to assist technicians in their operation of testers. To this end, David collaborated with mechanical and electrical engineers.

David holds an M.S. in computer science from Boise State University, where he wrote his thesis on natural language processing in human-robot interaction.

Related Employment

  • Micron Technology, Boise, ID, Systems Integration Group, Project Leader, 2020 – 2022

